IMECS is digitizing the fleet of Leonhardt & Blumberg! For this project, all manuals and spare part lists are completely digitized. The IMECS Data Service Teams can visit the ships, scan on site or pick up all manuals to digitize everything in a specially developed environment in our head office. The result is a fully digitized spare part extract that can be used in any purchase software. It allows a fully digital purchasing process and thus, a significant increase in efficiency and the reduction of costs!

We would like to thank Leonhardt & Blumberg for their trust and the excellent cooperation.

Your IMECS-Team.

Content: IMECS Planned Maintenance Software, PMS, Cloud PMS, Cloud Ship Management, Ship Management Software, Cloud Fleet Management, Purchase, CloudPurchase, Shipping, Maritime, Software, Fleet Management, Fleet Management Software,
Fleet Digitalization, Ship Digitalization,
Manual Digitalization, Spare Parts Digitalization, Codebook Digitalization, Ship Manual Digitalization
#CloudShipManagement #PMS #PlannedMaintenance #Purchase #Cloud #FleetManagement #Shipping